Curved Plastic Modular Belt Conveyor System

2nd February 2018

Amber Conveyors have recently manufactured a Plastic Modular Belt Conveyor which is currently undertaking testing and trials prior to system integration in Poland. The actual belt allows for cornering using slides and guides under the plastic modular. Modular plastic belt conveyors are often used in the food and pharmaceutical industries because they can be washed down, however they are extremely versatile and can be suitable for a great many application. Plastic modular belts are made from small plastic sections which are hinged together with linking pins to form a belt, typically with a ‘chain mail’ like appearance.

Curved Plastic Modular Belt Conveyor System

The main advantage of modular plastic belts is that they allow straight lengths to be combined with a number of curves of varying radii so that several changes in direction can be made all within one continuous conveyor run. This is either too expensive or simply not possible with traditional reinforced PVC or fabric type conveyor belts. Other benefits are that they are hardwearing, capable of being used in wet environments and they are easy to repair. Should they be damaged or become worn it is a simple matter to replace a number of the plastic sections and linking pins, thereby renewing only the damaged or worn section of the belt rather than the whole belt.